Poems, Stories, (Bookish) Thoughts

The ability to create and to be able to breathe life into that creation, so that it stirs a reader in many different ways – maybe takes them into a past, enables them to make meaning or interpret some present, or even throws them into a future in such a way that their minds are opened to the many possibilities, for me, is truly a kind of magic I never want to lose.

Painting Survival

While you’re painting survival

with your blood and tears,

do not forget that this war you fight

began with your permission

and will end only when you decide

that you have seen enough

of your own blood being collected.

2 responses to “Painting Survival”

  1. Clearly captures the battle elements of life’s struggles. Great work of art.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Clearly captures the battle elements of life’s struggles. Great work of art.

    Liked by 1 person

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