Poems, Stories, (Bookish) Thoughts

The ability to create and to be able to breathe life into that creation, so that it stirs a reader in many different ways – maybe takes them into a past, enables them to make meaning or interpret some present, or even throws them into a future in such a way that their minds are opened to the many possibilities, for me, is truly a kind of magic I never want to lose.

How To Create Content Your Audience Loves (learning from James Altucher)

Content creation has never been an easy task. You can ask content creators all around and they will tell you, one of the hardest parts of running a media platform; be it print or online, is developing relevant content the audience loves.

Content Creators don’t only have to look far and wide for ideas, interesting concepts are not as far-stretched as we think. What I have realized from following certain huge influencers on professional platforms like LinkedIn, is that most of these people who inspire us to be the better of ourselves in our personal and professional development plans are people who relate to us on an everyday level with everyday situations.

About a week ago, I got an email newsletter from top LinkedIn Influencer James Altucher in which he was recommending a new product, a razor blade.

Now being someone who would rather opt for other shaving methods, I could have easily chosen to save my few minutes of reading time for something else that was of immediate significance to me.

But I chose to read the email newsletter to the last letter. Why? Because even though the shaving stick, with all the awesomeness James says it has, wasn’t exactly what I needed at that moment, I could relate to the post.

James was not only blabbing about how he hated shaving and a new razor his friend was making which he had tried and tested and totally ‘digged’, but he was relating it to a heck of other things every business minded person or entrepreneur would (should) be interested in.

He was talking about how important it is to pay attention to all the little details that make up a person’s life—like making time to shave.

He was talking about how some of these ‘little’ things, as we call them, are important and sometimes play a major role in helping us make significant progress in our careers.

He was sharing with us, a story that was relevant to everyone whether you razor shave or not; whether you are a man or a woman.

He was sharing with us how he lost a potential investor because he didn’t have respect for the smallest rituals in his life, like shaving.

Now everyone, can relate to experiences like that. Experiences like when we don’t make time to properly press our shirts ahead of an important meeting because we just don’t care.

Experiences like when we don’t make time to have breakfast—the most important meal of the day, because we are hard pressed for time and end up starving and uncomfortable at the million-dollar-meeting.

Experiences like when we do not pay proper attention to how we dress and the way we physically appear at an important meeting, and then get there only to be nervy and jumpy because we’ve made a poor impression.

These are the sort of things people can relate to. They are everyday experiences that are relevant to career persons, business minded people, entrepreneurs, students, and basically, everyone else.

This, to me, is what content creation is about; producing content real enough that your audience can understand. Producing content that is of significance to them. Producing content from everyday happenings and situations.

Content creation isn’t only about researching and digging up a 1500 research paper on why the economy is failing. It is about finding creative ways to feed your audience with relevant, applicable knowledge, and this kind of knowledge, thankfully, is all around us. This is what I learnt from James Altucher.

And so content creators, when you think of ways to develop new, refreshing content for your audience, don’t only think far, but also dig right from where your feet are. There’s a whole lot of interesting and exciting things you can talk or write about!

2 responses to “How To Create Content Your Audience Loves (learning from James Altucher)”

  1. M'afua Awo Twumwaah Avatar
    M’afua Awo Twumwaah

    Thanks for the tips Naa.


    1. I’m glad it was helpful M’afua 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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